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Company News About Southeast Asian Markets Embrace High-Quality Excavator Telescopic Dipper Arm
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Southeast Asian Markets Embrace High-Quality Excavator Telescopic Dipper Arm

Latest company news about Southeast Asian Markets Embrace High-Quality Excavator Telescopic Dipper Arm


Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia have emerged as three highly popular Southeast Asian markets for our factory's products. Among them, our excavator telescopic dipper arm designed for the XCMG E370 excavator has gained significant attention. Led by our professional sales representative, Sophia (whatsapp: +86 18127591702), we have successfully communicated with clients, provided quotations, and secured sales to the Indonesian market.

latest company news about Southeast Asian Markets Embrace High-Quality Excavator Telescopic Dipper Arm  0

Once the order was confirmed, Kaiping Zhonghe Machinery Manufacturing Co., LTD, known for its professional and efficient workshop production team, swiftly completed the manufacturing process. The product, an excavator telescopic dipper arm, was then arranged for sea freight to be transported to the port of Jakarta, Indonesia. Our team ensured all necessary customs clearance documentation was prepared to facilitate a smooth delivery process.

latest company news about Southeast Asian Markets Embrace High-Quality Excavator Telescopic Dipper Arm  1

Upon receiving the product, the customer installed and utilized it, expressing great satisfaction with its quality. They were pleased with the performance and committed to placing four additional orders for excavator arms within this year.


Our factory primarily caters to markets such as the United States, Canada, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Bahrain, Estonia, Guyana, Saudi Arabia, and more. We have earned the trust and recognition of our customers, as evidenced by frequent

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reorders from over ten loyal clients each month. Popular excavator models in demand include ZX300, SY365, SY500, CAT320, and more. We sincerely appreciate the continued support and recognition from our customers, and ensuring product quality remains our utmost priority.


Recently, our factory installed the largest floor-type boring machine in Guangdong Province, further enhancing our production capabilities. This investment guarantees even higher precision for the manufacturing of excavator long arms, meeting the rigorous standards set by European markets. We have already begun receiving inquiries from European clients, who have reached out to our dedicated international sales representative, Sophia (whatsapp: +86 18127591702), to explore potential business opportunities.

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For inquiries and further information, please contact our sales representative, Sophia, at whatsapp: +86 18127591702.




品牌 型号 吨位 颜色 品牌 型号 吨位 颜色
日立/约翰迪尔 ZX60 EX60 6 日立红/约翰迪耳灰色(在国外约翰迪尔与日立是一致,尺寸没有区别) 小松 PC30 3 小松黄
ZX70 EX70 7 PC40 4
ZX110 EX110 11 PC55 5.5
ZX120 EX120 13 PC60 6
ZX130 EX130 13 PC70 7
ZX150   15 PC80 8
ZX180   18 PC90 9
ZX200 EX200 20 PC100 10
ZX210 EX210 21 PC120 12
ZX230   23 PC130 13
ZX240   24 PC200 20
ZX250   25 PC210 21
ZX260 EX300 26 PC220 22
ZX330 EX330 33 PC240 24
ZX350   35 PC270 27
ZX360   36 PC300 30
ZX450 EX400 45 PC350 35
ZX470 EX450 47 PC360 36
ZX490   49 PC380 38
ZX520   52 PC400 40
ZX650 EX650 65 PC420 42
ZX670   67 PC450 45
ZX690   69 PC460 46
ZX850 EX850 85 PC480 48
ZX870   87 PC500 50
ZX890   89 PC650 65
  EX1200 120 PC700 70
  EX1900 190 PC800 80
  EX1100 110 PC850 85
  EX2500 250 PC1250 1250
  EX3600 360 PC3000 300
  EX5500 550    







品牌 型号 吨位 颜色 品牌 型号 吨位 颜色
卡特 CAT305.5 5.5 卡特黄 神钢 SK75 7.5 神钢绿色(国产为绿色) /黄色(进口为黄色)
CAT306 6 SK110 11
CAT307 7 SK120 12
CAT308 8 SK130 13
CAT311 11 SK200 20
CAT312 12 SK210 21
CAT313 13 SK250 25
CAT315 15 SK260 26
CAT316 16 SK300 30
CAT318 18 SK330 33
CAT320 20 SK350 35
CAT323 23 SK380 38
CAT324 24 SK450 45
CAT325 25 SK460 46
CAT326 26 SK480 48
CAT329 29 SK495 49.5
CAT330 33 SK500 50
CAT336 36 SK850 85
CAT340 40    
CAT349 49    
CAT350 50    
CAT352 52    
CAT365 65    
CAT374 74    
CAT385 85    
CAT390 90    
CAT395 95    


品牌 型号 吨位 颜色 品牌 型号 吨位 颜色
住友 SH60 6 住友黄色 加藤 HD400 6 加藤黄色
SH80 8 HD500 12
SH120 12 HD700 20
SH130 13 HD800 22
SH150 15 HD900 24
SH200 20 HD308 8
SH240 24 HD512 12
SH260 26 HD820 20
SH300 30 HD1250 25
SH350 35 HD1023 23
SH360 36 HD1430 30
SH380 38 HD1638 38
SH460 46 HD2045 45
SH480 48 HD2048 48
SH490 49    
SH700 70    
SH800 80    


品牌 型号 吨位 颜色 品牌 型号 吨位 颜色
利勃海尔 R936 36 黄褐色 凯斯 CX210 21 黄褐色
R944 44 CX240 24
R966 66 CX350 35
R974 77 CX380 38
    CX480 48
    CX490 49
    CX700 70


品牌 型号 吨位 颜色 品牌 型号 吨位 颜色
大宇/斗山(现在又更名为迪万伦 DH55 DX55 5.5 斗山红色 现代 R55 5.5 现代黄
DH60 DX60 6 R75 7.5
  DX75 7.5 R110 11
DH130 DX130 13 R130 13
DH150 DX150 15 R150 15
  DX200 20 R215 21.5
DH215 DX215 21.5 R205 22.5
DH225 DX225 22.5 R225 27.5
DH258 DX245 25 R305 30.5
  DX275 27.5 R350 35
DH300 DX300 30 R375 37.5
DH340 DX340 34 R485 48
DH380 DX380 38 R505 50
DH420 DX420 42 R850 85
DH500 DX500 50    
  DX520 52    
  DX700 70    


品牌 型号 吨位 颜色 品牌 型号 吨位 颜色
三一 SY55 5.5 三一黄 徐工 XE55 5.5 徐工黄
SY60 6 XE60 6
SY75 7.5 XE75 7.5
SY90 9 XE135 13.5
SY125 12.5 XE155 15.5
SY135 13.5 XE200 20
SY155 15.5 XE215 21.5
SY195 19.5 XE205 20.5
SY200 20 XE245 24.5
SY205 20.5 XE275 27.5
SY215 21.5 XE370 37
SY235 23.5 XE380 38
SY245 24.5 XE335 33.5
SY265 26.5 XE470 47
SY305 30.5 XE490 49
SY335 33.5 XE500 50
SY365 36.5 XE600 60
SY375 37.5 XE700 70
SY385 38.5 XE900 90
SY395 39.5 XE1250 125
SY415 41.5    
SY465 46.5    
SY475 47.5    
SY485 48.5    
SY550 55    
SY650 65    
SY700 70    
SY750 75    
SY980 98    
SY1250 125    


品牌 型号 吨位 颜色 品牌 型号 吨位 颜色
柳工 906 6 柳工黄 临工 60 6 临工黄
907 7 80 8
908 8 135 13.5
913 13 155 15.5
915 15 6205 205
920 20 6215 21.5
922 22 6235 23.5
933 33 6360 36
936 36 6380 38
939 39 6400 40
942 42 6500 50
950 50 6600 50
952 52    
980 80    


品牌 型号 吨位 颜色 品牌 型号 吨位 颜色
中联重科 ZE55 5.5 极光绿 龙工 6060 6 龙工黄
  ZE60 6     6075 7.5  
  ZE75 7.5     6090 9  
  ZE135 13.5     6150 15  
  ZE155 15     6225 22.5  
  ZE205 20.5     6240 24  
  ZE215 21.5     6245 24.5  
  ZE245 24.5     6365 36.5  
  ZE275 27.5     6485 48.5  
  ZE335 33.5     6490 49  
  ZE370 37          
  ZE375 37.5          
  ZE485 48.5          
  ZE550 55          
  ZE730 73